Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The World Trade Organization

The fearlessness and devotion that was shown by the protestors in the video was what I acknowledged. It was another thing to see a gathering of individuals meet up to fight something that they accepted so emphatically in spite of being pepper showered, shot at with elastic projectiles, and tossed into jail†¦.. Be that as it may, for what reason would anybody go to these lengths to challenge an association? The World Trade Organization was made in Jan. 1 1995 and has 140 part nations. As indicated by their official site www. wto. organization the associations fundamental design is to, â€Å"help exchange stream as openly as conceivable insofar as there are no unwanted reactions. This incompletely implies evacuating snags. † However the association isn’t a fair association. Rather the WTO rules are composed by and for partnerships with inside access to the arrangements. Resident contribution by customer, ecological, human rights and work associations is reliably disregarded as WTO gatherings are held covertly. As per the video, out of the 100 biggest economies on the planet, 51 are companies and just 49 are nations. Therefore it is no big surprise why such a large number of came to fight this mystery meeting held in Seattle, WA. As per the video numerous protestors contended that the WTO and its aphorism of free world exchange is stepping over work and human rights in nations all through the world as the utilization of modest work and youngster work are consistently overlooked by the WTO. The magazine Global Exchange expresses that the WTO is blocking human rights maltreatment since they have decided that, â€Å"1) It is illicit for an administration to boycott an item base in transit it is delivered and 2) Governments can't consider the conduct of organizations that work with awful autocracies, for example, Burma. The protestors in the video likewise felt that the WTO was devastating nature. Proof of this, goes back to 1993 when as indicated by the Global Exchange, â€Å"The absolute first WTO board decided that a guideline of the US Clean Air Act, which required both household and outside makers the same to create cleaner gas, was illicit. As of late, the WTO announced unlawful an arrangement of the Endangered Species Act that requires shrimp in the US to be gotten with an economical gadget that permits imperiled ocean turtles to get away, and the WTO is at present arranging an understanding that would kill levies on wood items, which would expand the interest for lumber and raise deforestation. Therefore I accept that these enterprises ought not be permitted to keep on pulling off such activities. The individuals in Seattle respected their legitimate option to collect. The activities taken by the city of Seattle against these protestors were excessively extraordinary I’m still hazy for what reason they took such outrageous measures against the protestors. These were tranquil fights and the city blew a gasket over a couple of broken windows at partnerships, for example, Starbucks and Nike. In my perspective the means taken by the city of Seattle was path over the line and its appalls me that tranquil protestors were tossed into prison for showing a lawful right in the constitution.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Choose an Essay Writing Service

How to Choose an Essay Writing ServiceIf you are considering finding a good essay writing service, then I have a simple solution for you. There are many writers that provide good services, but I have some suggestions for you that will make it easier to find the one that is right for you. So here are some tips and pointers to help you get started.First, you need to choose the right essay writing service Australia. You need to make sure that the writer you choose is experienced in writing essays. You also need to make sure that they are the type of people who can handle your essay.This service is not something that you want to start without having to pay anything. Most people think that the best option is to just write up their own paper and hand it to a essay writing service to handle it. This is often a mistake. Unless you know what your doing, you will most likely end up with a paper that you are not satisfied with.You also need to make sure that the writer you choose is a good writ er. You do not want to hire someone who is inexperienced because you want to ensure that they write the essay for you well. Another important factor is to ensure that they understand the type of paper you need.Essay writing Australia is something that is very personal. You need to make sure that you are hiring someone who will be able to handle the paper you choose. The quality of the paper you write should be your number one concern when hiring. As long as you know that the writer you choose is capable of handling the paper, then this shouldn't be an issue.After you choose a writer, you then need to tell them about the essay you are looking for them to write. This means that you will need to explain what the topic of the paper is and what your writing style is. You want to make sure that the writer knows what style of essay writing you prefer. You want to make sure that they understand the topic and the main theme of the paper before they begin.The last thing you want to do is make sure that they are comfortable with the paper that you are giving them. The goal is to make sure that the paper you are sending is unique. The content should be something that the writer understands well. If you want them to stick with your essay writing service for the long haul, then you want to make sure that they are comfortable with the paper you give them.By following these three steps, you should be able to choose the best essay writing service for you. Using the tips outlined above, you should be able to find the service that will make your essay writing process easier.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Critically evaluate Nozick's response to Rawls's theory of justice Essay

Fundamentally assess Nozick's reaction to Rawls' hypothesis of equity - Essay Example Hence, the qualification hypothesis of equity, which is involved in Nozick’s reaction to Rawls’ hypothesis of equity, uncovers the conflict among libertarianism and social government assistance progressivism on the subject of equity. Albeit both Nozick and Rawls had a place with the implicit understanding convention in political way of thinking, Nozick’s privilege hypothesis of equity ought to be acknowledged essentially as a restriction to Rawls’ hypothesis of distributive equity and it everybody in the general public is qualified for take part in circulation of property. As Suri Ratnapala keeps up, â€Å"Rawls’ case for distributive equity in its least complex structure is that an arrangement of social collaboration improves everybody off than an arrangement of non-participation in which every individual battles for themselves by their own exertion. Standards of equity are required to disperse the excess that outcomes from social cooperation.â₠¬  (Ratnapala 2009, P. 346). In this manner, Rawls’ hypothesis of equity is fundamentally founded on the speculative implicit understanding among oneself intrigued individuals with regards to a condition of obliviousness in regards to their future, and they participate in a round of hazard minimisation. The libertarian reaction to Rawls’ hypothesis of equity as offered by the American political rationalist Robert Nozick in his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia ought to be acknowledged as having a place with the implicit understanding custom in political way of thinking. ... In an intelligent investigation of Nozick’s reaction to Rawls’s hypothesis of equity, it becomes clear that the differentiating books of John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice and Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia have overwhelmed the discussion in systematic political way of thinking throughout the previous three decades. In his 1971 book, Rawls introduced the case for a type of liberal populism which was tested by Nozick’s contentions for libertarianism, including the free market, supreme property rights, and the ‘minimal state’, introduced in his book in 1974. Since the time the distributing of these differentiating books, an immense amount of basic writing has been composed on their political way of thinking and Nozick has picked up the support of the contemporary political savants as his contentions are strikingly near the political soul of the present age. â€Å"Nozick’s venture is to protect the libertarian negligible s tate †likened to the ‘night-watchman’ condition of old style radicalism †which exists absolutely to defend the individual and property privileges of people. The venture falls into three stage.† (Wolff 1991, P. 4). As a matter of first importance, Nozick makes the contention, against the Anarchist, that a state as expansive as an insignificant state can be legitimized. Besides, he makes his contentions against the safeguard of the broad state by guaranteeing that the negligible state is the most broad type of real state. Thirdly, he keeps up that the negligible state is ‘inspiring’ just as right, and there is no reason for lament. (Wolff 1991, P. 4). Hence, in inconsistency of Rawls’ case for a type of liberal populism, Nozick’s makes his appropriate contentions in favor of libertarianism which comprises of the

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Energy Report of China Research Paper - 275 Words

Energy Report of China (Research Paper Sample) Content: Energy Report of ChinaAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name1st pageIntroduction about the Energy Sector of ChinaThe recent growth of China is perfect and unmatchable. Apart from increasing political relationship and strategic alliance with other countries of the world, almost all the macroeconomic indicators are in the favor of the economic growth of the country. (Liu, Ma Chang, 2012, p.56). The energy industry of China is the fastest growing industry sector in the region, with a very high installation capacity (Gao Liu, 1997, p.35). In order to relieve the shortage of energy supply, China is strategizing to develop new sources of renewable energy that include solar, geothermal and tidal based power (Garnaut Song, 2005, p.10). The energy mix of China includes Hydropower, oil, gas and Thermal. There was an exceptional growth of 7.2% in production envisaged in the energy sector of China by the year 2013 that contributed largely to the GDP of the country, and the level of consumption had grown by 6% in the same year (, 2014, p.02).The Agriculture Forestry sector consumes the least energy and its energy consumption remained constant between 2008 and 2013, while the industries are consuming the most energy, as a report initiated by NEA, China (, 2014, p.02). In 2013, the energy consumption capacity was on the highest place, where thermal energy showing a capacity of 69% of the total energy production, while it is 23% for the Hydro Capacity as revealed in the year 2013 (, 2014, p.04). China has experienced a remarkable growth of 1% from 2010 and 2011 respectively (, 2014, p.12). It was nearly 10% in the year 2010, and moved to 11% in the year 2011Since 2010, China's annual energy exports amount to roughly 30% of its GDP (, 2014, p.06). Chinese export to GDP ratio in the year 2013 was 26%, showing a substantial amount of resilience of exports with t he GDP of the country (Ma, 2007, p.12). The future trends of energy consumption and export in China is bright, and it is expecting that the export of China will increase further as compared to the current level, and will proportionate a high share to the GDP (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2008, p.23).2nd PageEnvironmental impact of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Energy Production and ConsumptionIn order to comply and fulfill the increasing demand of energy consumption, the country came up with effective solutions (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2009, p.10). Continuously increasing production and high-energy consumption is affecting the entire environment of the region, as well. China is a big country in terms of population and size, therefore having minor environmental issues, like pollution, non-lethal carbon emission and small of dirtiness in the country is acceptable, but the government has to make sure that the environmental factor would not be impacted heavily due to the high rate of consumption from the industri es (Wei, Liu, Wu Zou, 2011, p.12).The energy demand is increasing because of new start-ups and industries (Wenying, MaoshengAlun, 2006, p.12). China has a mixed and developed economy that welcomes innovation and foreign investment, which increased by 20% in the year 2014 as compared to the foreign direct investment (FDI) of 2013.On the other hand, growing industrialization increases the output of harmful substances (Yong, 2009, p.56). The government should play a vital role in overcoming all the environmental issues that are currently rising and will be creating in the near future. Selecting uninhabited areas for industries would be a better choice for the country to mitigate environmental and health problems and energy crisis of the country, which means to shift the industries of dessert areas in which the Carbon emission would not harm the health of the individuals heavily (Zhao Sha, 2012, p.89). In this way, the country not only becomes able to maintain the environmental issues b ut it also enhances the economic consequences of the economy appropriately (, 2014, p.12). The country is trying to flourish their renewable energy sector in the future to make it more perfect accordingly. Shifting the industries to dessert areas will certainly decrease the level of environmental issues of the country and will comply with the environmental scanning initiated by the United Nation (UN).3rd PageImpact of the Energy Sector on Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s SecurityChina has quickly risen in the top most ranks in the global demand of energy over the past few years (Zhao, 2000). China is known as the second largest oil consumer after the United States of America (USA) (Zhao, 2004, p.12). In order to meet the escalating oil demand, the country imported high quantities of crude oil from different parts of the world (Zhao, 2008, p.34). China's dependency on energy imports has increased exceptionally in the aftermath of the recent economic crisis, where many foreign companies expanded their operations in the country (Zhao Sha, 2012, p.34).Apart from the import, the country is also exporting energy, like Gas and electricity to different parts of the world. The export of Natural Gas was 113 Billion Cubic Feet in the year 2011 which decreased by 10.16% in the year 2012, but still it remained on a higher scale. On the other hand, China also has a great name in the export orientation of electricity which was 17.652 Billion Killowattshours in the year 2012 that increased by 5.6% in the year 2013 (, 2014, p.01). China has extensive trade relations with Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Japan (Wei, Wu, Liu Zou, 2011, p.45). Apart from that, the trade relation with western countries like Canada, United States and others are also very effective. However, insecurity of nuclear assets may become a political issue that may impact the trade relationship with the United States (, 2014, p.56). Apart from the United States, th e country is not having a good relationship with India, the 3rd biggest economy in the entire Asian region, due to the geo-political tension among both of these countries. The government of China has to assure the officials of the United States that all of their Nuclear weapons and assets are safe (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2008, p.45). With the help of this solution, the country can meet with its increasing energy demand. Energy Report of China Research Paper - 275 Words Energy Report of China (Research Paper Sample) Content: Energy Report of ChinaAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name1st pageIntroduction about the Energy Sector of ChinaThe recent growth of China is perfect and unmatchable. Apart from increasing political relationship and strategic alliance with other countries of the world, almost all the macroeconomic indicators are in the favor of the economic growth of the country. (Liu, Ma Chang, 2012, p.56). The energy industry of China is the fastest growing industry sector in the region, with a very high installation capacity (Gao Liu, 1997, p.35). In order to relieve the shortage of energy supply, China is strategizing to develop new sources of renewable energy that include solar, geothermal and tidal based power (Garnaut Song, 2005, p.10). The energy mix of China includes Hydropower, oil, gas and Thermal. There was an exceptional growth of 7.2% in production envisaged in the energy sector of China by the year 2013 that contributed largely to the GDP of the country, and the level of consumption had grown by 6% in the same year (, 2014, p.02).The Agriculture Forestry sector consumes the least energy and its energy consumption remained constant between 2008 and 2013, while the industries are consuming the most energy, as a report initiated by NEA, China (, 2014, p.02). In 2013, the energy consumption capacity was on the highest place, where thermal energy showing a capacity of 69% of the total energy production, while it is 23% for the Hydro Capacity as revealed in the year 2013 (, 2014, p.04). China has experienced a remarkable growth of 1% from 2010 and 2011 respectively (, 2014, p.12). It was nearly 10% in the year 2010, and moved to 11% in the year 2011Since 2010, China's annual energy exports amount to roughly 30% of its GDP (, 2014, p.06). Chinese export to GDP ratio in the year 2013 was 26%, showing a substantial amount of resilience of exports with t he GDP of the country (Ma, 2007, p.12). The future trends of energy consumption and export in China is bright, and it is expecting that the export of China will increase further as compared to the current level, and will proportionate a high share to the GDP (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2008, p.23).2nd PageEnvironmental impact of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Energy Production and ConsumptionIn order to comply and fulfill the increasing demand of energy consumption, the country came up with effective solutions (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2009, p.10). Continuously increasing production and high-energy consumption is affecting the entire environment of the region, as well. China is a big country in terms of population and size, therefore having minor environmental issues, like pollution, non-lethal carbon emission and small of dirtiness in the country is acceptable, but the government has to make sure that the environmental factor would not be impacted heavily due to the high rate of consumption from the industri es (Wei, Liu, Wu Zou, 2011, p.12).The energy demand is increasing because of new start-ups and industries (Wenying, MaoshengAlun, 2006, p.12). China has a mixed and developed economy that welcomes innovation and foreign investment, which increased by 20% in the year 2014 as compared to the foreign direct investment (FDI) of 2013.On the other hand, growing industrialization increases the output of harmful substances (Yong, 2009, p.56). The government should play a vital role in overcoming all the environmental issues that are currently rising and will be creating in the near future. Selecting uninhabited areas for industries would be a better choice for the country to mitigate environmental and health problems and energy crisis of the country, which means to shift the industries of dessert areas in which the Carbon emission would not harm the health of the individuals heavily (Zhao Sha, 2012, p.89). In this way, the country not only becomes able to maintain the environmental issues b ut it also enhances the economic consequences of the economy appropriately (, 2014, p.12). The country is trying to flourish their renewable energy sector in the future to make it more perfect accordingly. Shifting the industries to dessert areas will certainly decrease the level of environmental issues of the country and will comply with the environmental scanning initiated by the United Nation (UN).3rd PageImpact of the Energy Sector on Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s SecurityChina has quickly risen in the top most ranks in the global demand of energy over the past few years (Zhao, 2000). China is known as the second largest oil consumer after the United States of America (USA) (Zhao, 2004, p.12). In order to meet the escalating oil demand, the country imported high quantities of crude oil from different parts of the world (Zhao, 2008, p.34). China's dependency on energy imports has increased exceptionally in the aftermath of the recent economic crisis, where many foreign companies expanded their operations in the country (Zhao Sha, 2012, p.34).Apart from the import, the country is also exporting energy, like Gas and electricity to different parts of the world. The export of Natural Gas was 113 Billion Cubic Feet in the year 2011 which decreased by 10.16% in the year 2012, but still it remained on a higher scale. On the other hand, China also has a great name in the export orientation of electricity which was 17.652 Billion Killowattshours in the year 2012 that increased by 5.6% in the year 2013 (, 2014, p.01). China has extensive trade relations with Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Japan (Wei, Wu, Liu Zou, 2011, p.45). Apart from that, the trade relation with western countries like Canada, United States and others are also very effective. However, insecurity of nuclear assets may become a political issue that may impact the trade relationship with the United States (, 2014, p.56). Apart from the United States, th e country is not having a good relationship with India, the 3rd biggest economy in the entire Asian region, due to the geo-political tension among both of these countries. The government of China has to assure the officials of the United States that all of their Nuclear weapons and assets are safe (Ma, Oxley Gibson, 2008, p.45). With the help of this solution, the country can meet with its increasing energy demand.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Emergency Contraceptives - 1868 Words

Emergency Contraceptives Despite the age-old belief that the purpose of sexual interaction is to reproduce, people have attempted to practice means of contraception for thousands of years. In Europe, large segments of the population began to use various methods to regulate conception, pregnancy, or births in the latter part of the eighteenth century. During the nineteenth century, the widespread desire for more forms effective means of controlling the number of births resulted in the development of numerous devices and or medications that provided both men and women with opportunities to use contraceptives. With the increased demand and practice of contraception, the medical community needed to provide the population with the†¦show more content†¦The estrogen/progestin and RU486 both accomplish pregnancy prevention by not allowing a fertilized zygote to implant on the uterine walls and grow to development. However, the methods behind the drugs differ. The estrogen/progestin regiment prevents pregnancy in three different ways depending on the time taken. It can prevent ovulation, inhibit fertilization, or alter the endometrium (uterine lining) thereby stopping implantation, but it cannot affect an implanted zygote (Federal). However, the effects of RU486 vary considerably. It alters the endometrium so that no implantation can occur, and if implantation has already occurred, a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage will occur (Piaggio, et al.) Therefore, RU486 is both a postcoital contraceptive and an abortifacient-agent that causes abortion. With the emergence of these two forms of birth control, many groups have begun to re-evaluate the actions and implications of all postcoital contraceptive agents. The controversy is rooted in whether the administration of these types of medications is the solutions to unprotected sex or a quick, unsafe form of abortion. Participants in this heated debate come from the medical and the pro-life/pro-choice factions of the political co mmunity. Most physicians and governmental agencies support the ideas of postcoital contraceptives because they feel that these methods/medications allow people to prevent unwanted pregnancies inShow MoreRelatedEmergency Contraceptive Pills ( Ecps )989 Words   |  4 PagesEmergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs) is a widely controversial debate between medical officials, teachers, parents, and teens. Most parents do not want to think about their teenage daughters engaging in sexual activities; yet, at some point, it is more than likely going to happen. The CDC reports showed in 2013 there were over 270,000 babies born to adolescents between the ages of 15-19 years old (1). This figure may seem high but has declined over the last two decades and reduced by 10% duringRead MoreShould Emergency Contraceptive Be Made For Teens?1441 Words   |  6 PagesShould Emergency Contraceptive be Made Available to Teens? Emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill, is one alternative to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The morning after pill is only available by prescription and or over the counter (with proof of being 18 years or older). In 2006, the purchase age for the morning after pill was lowered to17. In the United States, there is an average of 1 million teen pregnancy reported every year. Of those 1 million girls, 38%Read MoreShould Emergency Contraceptives Be Available Over?1411 Words   |  6 PagesRebeca Martinez May 14, 2017 BIO 150 Professor Robinson Should emergency contraceptives be available over the counter to girls under the age of 18? Plan B or the ‘morning after pill’ as it is sometimes known is an emergency contraceptive that is can prevent a pregnancy if it is taken within 3 days of unprotected sex or if your birth control failed you such as if a condom breaks mid intercourse. The Plan B contain a higher concentrated level of levonorgestrel which is the same hormoneRead MorePlan B One Step Emergency Contraceptive871 Words   |  4 Pages Plan B One-Step emergency contraceptive is a well-known form of last minute birth control among women. It is used as a back-up plan if birth control fails or unprotected sex is had without birth control. The product itself is controversial because it is considered a form of abortion by many people. This ad was found in People magazine, a gossip/tabloid magazine commonly found near the registers at grocery stores, supermarkets and other various convenience stores. Glancing over the page, it seemsRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Rates By Jacqueline Sedgwick s Article, Americ an Adolescents And Emergency Contraceptive Pill Access843 Words   |  4 Pagesprovide better access to birth control for teenagers. In Jacqueline Sedgwick’s article, â€Å"American Adolescents and Emergency Contraceptive Pill Access,† she argues that the American teenage pregnancy and abortion rates are higher than any other nation due to the irregular or improper usage of birth control. Many American teenagers are unaware of how to properly use the contraceptives and mistakenly find themselves in difficult situations, but with more knowledge about birth control, teens will beRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )1674 Words   |  7 Pagesfor women’s preventive services.2 According to the IOM recommendations, all FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient counseling and education must be covered for all women with reproductive capability without having to pay a co-insurance, co-payment or a deductible. The covered forms of con traceptives include, but not limited to, hormonal oral birth control pills and emergency after intercourse pills as well as intrauterine devices (IUDs).3 However, some religiousRead MoreThe Ethics of Contraception Essay915 Words   |  4 PagesSince their development, contraceptive techniques and their widespread use have caused some controversy between groups with different views on the issue. Contraception is defined as any method that is used to prevent pregnancy and it can come in a few different forms. Barrier methods prevent sperm cells from reaching the ovum so fertilization cannot occur. Other methods that have received more criticism are those that use hormones to prevent implantation of the already fertilized ovum. There is alsoRead MoreEthical Considerations Project Essay610 Words   |  3 Pagesin Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital is for all hospitals to provide all information and access to emergency contraceptives to sexual assault and rape victims. In the defense of Brownfield, emergency contraceptives, Plan B, and oral synthetic hormones is the most common type of emergency contraceptives that should have been disclosed to her upon her request. These contraceptives are often called the morning after pill or Plan B. Some legal considerations are the Principles of InformedRead MoreEthics Paper on Healthcare Policy645 Words   |  3 Pagesthe responsibility of the hospital to provide all the relevant information concerning access to emergency contraceptives, for rape and sexual assault victims. Brownfield’s defense supports the idea that emergency contraceptives, Plan B, and oral synthetic hormones are the most common form of emergency contraceptives, and this information must be given to the victim upon her request. These contraceptives are called the â€Å"morning after pill or plan B†. Question 2: What are the legal considerationsRead MoreThe Effects Of Drug Advertisements On Women s Health1331 Words   |  6 Pageswomen will not become pregnant (Duramed, 2009). For this reason, Plan B One-Step is just like any other medication. There is no guarantee that it will work for all women. By continuing to read the advertisement, readers will notice that this emergency contraceptive has a series of possible negative health consequences that can occur by taking this pill, such as changes in one’s period, nausea, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness, and breast tenderness (Duramed, 2009). Thus, women’s health

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Superannuation in Australia

Question: Write an essay on "Superannuation in Australia".You are required to describe, supported by identifiable events, the nature and history of superannuation funds in Australia, the size of the superannuation sector, the structure or types of funds which operate in Australia, discuss its importance, identify current and recent challenges, including the effects of the global financial crisis of 2007-09, and offer recommendations for imptrovement of the system. Answer: Nature and History of Superannuation in Australia Superannuation refers to contributions that are made into your super fund by an employer and, ideally, topped by your own money to save for your retirement. This is always a pension plan program that the company creates so that its employees can benefit from this. By, 1976, superannuation had started. It started under the industrial awards which were then negotiated by movements of some unions (Drew Stanford 2003) These funds can, however, be supplemented by voluntary contributions which may include diversion of employee wages and salaries in superannuation contributions. In Australia, superannuation is an aspect is that almost every Australian citizen has to experience at some point. Australians consider this as a very important aspect that actually has a lot benefits to the citizens who have retired from their work or employment. In Australia, the official retirement savings framework was discarded and the strained Age Pension fund was introduced. This with time became one of the second-best systems in the world. The introduction of superannuation in Australia was always seen as a mystery and its actualization was considered impossible. It started from a simple platform in the early decades and progressed slowly to become topmost, best systems across the globe. Superannuation in the Pre-1900s in Australia During this period, some public employees and white-collar businessmen were provided with retirement savings (pensions) as part of benefits they achieve from their employees. Australias success towards gearing superannuation idea is owed to this period since this was when the implementation of such policy begun. Australia endures negative impacts of long-term nature of superannuation to provide the best systems (Authority 2007). Superannuation in the 1900s in Australia The systems of Australia experienced huge reformation over 1900-2000. During this period, the concept of Age Pension was introduced by the government. This concept was then adopted though it took some time to develop. It took almost a decade before the Australian authorities decided to pass the Aging pension law. It was from this point that the Age Pension fund began. At this time, the government provided some of the best policies regarding pensions to the citizens. During this same period, the government decided to introduce the concept of income tax. At this time however, the savings made by the pubic into their superannuation account were exempted from tax and only the contributions from the employer were deductible. Later in the years, the Australian government wanted to introduce two bills related to superannuation that is, National Insurance and National Health and Pensions Bills. Both these two bills failed due to World War II (Worthington 2008). Post-1950 Superannuation in Australia During this period between 1950 and 1985, the government made some reformation on the Aged Pension. However, the reforms never included the introduction of private or guaranteed superannuation. Studies by Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) showed that 51.3% of the employees were super-covered by 1988. This kept on increasing and by 1990, the coverage was stood at 64%. Compulsory Modern Superannuation in Australia The modern superannuation began in 1991 and was accompanied by the introduction of the Superannuation Guarantee (SG). This new act of superannuation was meant to be a compulsory system for all employees in Australia. This was to be paid for by employers; this came into effect after one year. According to the statistics from the taxation office, the introduction of the new act increased the coverage to 80%. This has been increasing with time with the coverage now standing at 91% and the SG rate rose from 3% to 9%. In 2005, the government developed two other systems. The new systems gave the citizens the options of choosing an individuals retirement fund and the ability to retirement transition. Retirement transition is where persons contribute larger portions of their salary or wages to a super and in turn replace their salary income with a drawdown from the pension scheme. The Size Superannuation Sector in Australia Australian superannuation system is considered as one of the best systems in the world, it is currently ranked as the second-best system. Australia has about 500 operational superannuation funds. With existing operational superannuation funds, approximately 362 are considered to have assets that are worth more than 50 million. The largest sectors in the Australian superannuation market are the Wholesale and Retail Master Trusts (Worthington 2005). Structure of Superannuation System in Australia The superannuation system in Australia has the following basic structures; Investments Structure Superannuation funds have a tendency to invest in wide varieties of assets within a given time period under the risks or returns associated. Trustee Structure Considering their operations, superannuation funds operate as trusts with the trustees accountable for prudential fund operation. The trustees have the responsibility of formulating and implementing strategies that will be used for investment purposes. There are a number of superannuation funds in Australia and they include; Industrial funds These include all the funds operated by the employers associations and are entirely meant to benefit the members. The funds do not have any shareholders. Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) These are also referred to as the Do-It0Yourself funds and are normally established by a small group of individuals. The groups are regulated by the Australian Taxation office. In this case, the trustees of the funds are usually the members themselves. Where the members involve a corporate trustee then the directors of the company will be considered as the members. These funds constitute the largest portion of all the Australian superannuation industry (Drew, 2003). Stand-alone funds These are also referred to as the employer stand-alone funds as they are established by potential employers for their respective employees. And as such each employer defines his or her own structure that may not be used by another employer. Retail Master Funds They are also called wrap platforms and are generally provided by financial institutions to the public. However, they are only provided to an individual and not a group. Wholesale Master Trusts These are superannuation funds that are basically, run by various finance institutions to a given group of people or individuals. Public Employee Funds These are usually provided by the government to its citizens. They are also referred to as the Public Sector Employee Fund (Langford, Faff, Marisetty 2006). Small APRA Funds (SAFs) These funds are usually established for a group of people who are less than five in number. It is mostly applicable to individuals who are in need of controlling their superannuation investments but are either unwilling or unable to meet SMSF Trusteeship requirements. The difference between SAFs and SMSFs is that for the case of SAFs, the trustee is an approved trustee. Importance of Superannuation Individuals who make contributions to their superannuation accounts during their work life are entitled to a lot of benefits after retiring. Some of these benefits are discussed below; Retirement benefits With the increased life expectancy in Australia, approximated to be 85 years, the retirement period can last a long time. And since an individuals income reduces after retiring, it is important that one should consider saving enough funds for the retirement period (Cummings 2015). Thus, contributions made by an individual to a super account will enable one to acquire the funds required during his retirement period reducing dependency on the government or other people. Supplements the Age Pension With the Age Pension scheme in place, Australian citizens are entitled to receive some amount from the government. However, the amount so received by an individual after retiring may not be enough cater for his or her lifestyle. This is especially true where one intends to engage in a lot of leisure activities after retiring such as going for vacations or enrolling into new classes. Hence, if one has some contributions into his or her super account, they will be able to add on the few Age Pension amount received and as such one will have fewer worries. It is an effective saving plan Superannuation involves saving money to use during the retirement period and as such it is considered as a long-term investment. Because of its importance, the Australian government has provided a tax concession of 15% which is a lower rate compared to the average marginal rate of 45% that individuals are supposed to pay. In addition, the money deposited into a super account cannot be accessed until one reaches the retirement age, currently considered as 60 years. Therefore, individuals who start making contributions into the superannuation account immediately after entering the work life will have accumulated enough funds by the time they retire and thus will lead a comfortable independent life. Superannuation is a form of Insurance Cover Individuals who have made contributions into a super account are allowed to use the funds to obtain an insurance cover. This is an effective form of financial security especially to the dependents of an individual in the case that he or she is disabled or dies. Some of the available insurance covers using the superannuation funds include life insurance, total/permanent disablement (TPD), and income protection (Svallfors Taylor-Gooby 2007) Tax incentives The tax incentives on superannuation are normally in terms of tax concessions. The tax concession offered by the government is aimed at encouraging individuals to make contributions into their super accounts so as to benefit after retirement. In general, the marginal rate on the superannuation funds is at a maximum of 15% which is a lower rate compared to the personal income rate. From the benefits outlined above, it can be concluded that superannuation funds are an important aspect of life for every Australian individual and as such individuals should consider opening their super accounts as soon as they start the work life so that they can be able to accumulate enough funds to use during the retirement period. Current challenges Most of the challenges that face superannuation funds are basically due to the volatility in the share market. This has been the case since most (almost 60%) of the contributions made in the super account have been invested in the shares and as such individuals who make these contributions have all reasons to worry about their funds. The global financial crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2009 was a big blow to the superannuation industry. With most of the experts finding financial markets as the best way to finance a stable retirement, share volatility has made people think otherwise. The volatility of the share market has changed the whole idea of superannuation funds which were supposed to be added to the Age Pension funds. However, Instead of them being a top-up they are changing to be a trade-off. But with the government limiting the age pension due to global financial crisis, superannuation funds are now expected to be a key part of retirement financing. As a result, the glo bal financial crisis has negatively affected the individuals retirement life (Brown, Gallery Gallery 2002). During the 2007 global financial crisis (GFC), superannuation contributors were greatly affected and incurred a lot of losses. This is because the superannuation contributors were the biggest investors in capital raisings for different companies that succumbed to GFC. As a result, most of the superannuation contributors lost all their total contributions and holdings. A recent challenge to the superannuation industry is to automate all the contribution-related transactions. The automation is meant to be implemented both in the superannuation industry and the self-managed funds. This is part of the governments SuperStream initiative that is aimed at enhancing the processing of rollovers and contributions. The move is also aimed at reducing the number of lost accounts and unclaimed funds. Recommendations With a lot of challenges facing the superannuation system, there is a need to improve the existing superannuation system so that its benefits are realized. Some of these recommendations include; Employers and other superannuation industry players should consider the automating their superannuation systems as required by the government so that efficiency is enhanced. Also, the superannuation policies should not only focus on older people as in the current systems but also consider the younger individuals who have joined the work life. The government needs to institute policies that will enhance accountability among the financial institutions involved with the superannuation funds. To ensure sustainability of the system, the government should allow the superannuation to be flexible so that individuals can choose a system that will suit their work pattern. There is the need to outline the objective of superannuation through a legislative means to avoid misinterpretations and enhance accountability. References Authority, A.P.R., 2007. A recent history of superannuation in Australia. APRA Insight, 2, pp.3-10. Bateman, H. and Mitchell, O.S., 2004. New evidence on pension plan design and administrative expenses: the Australian experience. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 3(01), pp.63-76. Blundell-Wignall, A., Hu, Y.W. and Yermo, J., 2008. Sovereign wealth and pension fund issues. Brown, K., Gallery, G. and Gallery, N., 2002. Informed superannuation choice: Constraints and policy resolutions. Economic Analysis and Policy, 32(1), pp.71-90. Casson, P. and Russell, D., 2006. Universities Superannuation Scheme (Vol. 158, No. 171, pp. 158-171). Greenleaf Publishing in association with GSE Research. Cummings, J.R., 2015. Effect of fund size on the performance of Australian superannuation funds. Accounting Finance. Drew, M., 2003. Superannuation funds: fees and performance. JASSA, (3), p.31. Drew, M. and Stanford, J., 2003. Returns from investing in Australian equity superannuation funds, 19911999. The Service Industries Journal, 23(4), pp.12-24. Drew, M.E., Stanford, J.D. and Veeraraghavan, M., 2002. Selecting Australian equity superannuation funds: A retail investor's perspective. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 7(2), pp.115-128. Horne, J., 2002. Taxation of superannuation in Australia: An assessment of reform proposals (No. 0212). Macquarie University, Department of Economics. Jones, S., Van der Laan, S., Frost, G. and Loftus, J., 2008. The investment performance of socially responsible investment funds in Australia. Journal of Business Ethics, 80(2), pp.181-203. Langford, B.R., Faff, R.W. and Marisetty, V.B., 2006. On the choice of superannuation funds in Australia. Journal of Financial Services Research, 29(3), pp.255-279. Olsberg, D., 2004. Women and superannuation: still ms... ing out.[Paper in: Special Issue on Superannuation. Coates, Nick; Vidler, Sacha; and Stilwell, Frank (eds.).]. Journal of Australian Political Economy, The, (53), p.161. Svallfors, S. and Taylor-Gooby, P., 2007. The end of the welfare state?: responses to state retrenchment (Vol. 3). Psychology Press. Worthington, A.C., 2005. Coverage, knowledge and perceptions of superannuation in Australia. Worthington, A.C., 2008. Knowledge and perceptions of superannuation in Australia. Journal of Consumer Policy, 31(3), pp.349-368.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Teamwork wins Championship free essay sample

Team work wins Championship! Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championship. l I must say what an awesome saying by Michael Jordan! He beautifully portrays the success of teamwork. As nowadays, the challenge for companies is to deliver quickly and flexibly new quality products and services in order to respond to greater and changing demands from clients. Standardization and specialization characterize traditional work organization; the work is divided into different segments, and workers perform their tasks individually, specializing in their field. However, specialization, control and outine are suitable when a constant demand for standardized products applies. However, for a fast changing demand, this method does not seem to work as well, and may lead to coordination problems and rigidities. Therefore, to fulfill the fast changing demand, the companies started to look for new forms of organization of which teamwork is quite successful one. 2 Teamwork is considered to be one of the core elements of the new work organization and it involves working cooperatively and making use of individual strengths within a group to achieve a common goal. We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork wins Championship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Teams are more flexible and responsive to changing events. This is because there is no one leader clearly in charge in fact the leadership role is shared and work is done collectively. This creates an environment that facilitates knowledge and information exchange. As team working makes fuller use of all the talents of the workforce. Better solutions to problems are found as those most closely connected with the work participate in suggesting answers Thus, this highly motivates staff resulting in reduce labour turnover and high labour productivity. Labour productivity is the output per worker in a given time period. When companies such as W. L. Gore, Volvo and Kraft Foods introduced teams into their production process, they made news because no one else was doing it. But today, its Just the opposite an organization that doesnt use teams would be newsworthy. Its estimated that over 70 percent of U. S. manufacturers use work teams. 3 Hence, team working is better for productivity than individual working. Management theory suggests that compared to an individual, a diverse group of people will be more creative because team members will bring a variety of ideas, perspectives and approaches to the group. Even at Google teams are a way of life. As the company web sites states, Googlers thrive in small, focused teams and high-energy environments. 4 Actually teamwork is different from the Taylorist work organization. F. W. Taylor was the person who made first serious attempt to analyze worker motivation in order to advise management on the best ways to increase worker performance or productivity. His scientific management theory is characterized by task specialization, a pyramid hierarchical structure and a centralization of responsibilities. Under the Taylorist model the work was divided into narrow functions with short, repetitive work cycles and the work method is rescribed in detail. However, this system does not offer sufficient scope for a process of upgrading and innovation, which is essential for quick change and adaptation. The slowness and relative rigidity of the traditional organizational scheme otten earns i t the name dinosaur syndrome. 5 Furthermore the repetitive tasks cause boredom amongst workers. Hence, employees lose interest in their work which ultimately leads to poor response rate and high labour turnover effecting productivity. Hence, Taylor approach of management, giving instructions to workers with no discussion or feedback is considered to be undesirable. Worker participation in devising best work practices is now encouraged. As Mayo Human Relations theory also suggest that working conditions and financial rewards have little or no effect on productivity. In fact when management consults with workers work in teams and develops a team spirit then productivity is improved. As team working makes fuller use of all the talents of the workforce. Thus, better solutions to problems are found as those most closely connected with the work participate in suggesting answers. 6 Case study of Starbucks Corporation will further help to illustrate the concept. Starbucks Corporation is the most famous chain of retail coffee shops in the world. In 1971 it started with three owners and in 1982 a sales representative, Howard Schultz, of the house ware business in New York Joined them. When he had a vocation to Italy, he experienced an entirely different coffee culture. He wanted to adopt that in Starbucks but the initial owners rejected the idea. Therefore, he chose to establish a new coffee shop, named II Gironale. In two years his business was so successful that the three owners of Starbucks decided to sell their business to Schultz. His work strategy worked so well that in 2007 he was ranked as the 16th best company. Schultz was so successful due to his business culture, beliefs and attitudes. He believed that the tip of success is not coffee but employees. Hence, motivation is the vital factor for business in the process of making their production. As labours are not working machines, so they can not always do the same affairs with equal passion. Accordingly the efficient method to make staffs keen on their Jobs should be to motivate them. As Nicholson (1998) also reported that workers had strong social eeds which they tried to satisfy through membership of informal social groups at workplace. 7 Therefore, Schultz adopted teamwork which did not only construct a small social structure in organization for employees to soci alize, but also composite of various kind of members who equip with different background of skill and knowledge on account of the mission. However, if business were rather bureaucratic in their approach with an inflexible approach to staff issues. Focused on individual working rather than teamwork then according to Mc Gregor theory Y, workers will be ighly de-motivated. As Mc Gregor theory Y managers believed that workers are creative, willing to accept responsibility and can derive as much enjoyment from work as from rest and play. Hence, in todays world where there is so much awareness among workers so if they are not given any right in decision making then this could de-motivate them and affect productivity. Thus, teamwork is the solution which gives workers not only the chance to participate in suggesting ideas in fact through increased communication they are able to complete large projects in lesser time. As many business projects require numerous tasks and exhibit a complexity level that would be almost impossible for a single employee to complete on his own. 8 Therefore pulling individuals from a variety of departments and positions allows a company to complete projects and work assignments more efficiently. Adding up to it, team working can reduce management cost as it is often associated with de-layering ot the organization. De-layering is the removal ot one or more ot the levels ot hierarchy from an organization structure. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between teamwork and employee training. This is because when workers work in teams they are able to learn from others. As some team members might be from the upper level of the management and have much more experience than others members. Thus by developing social contacts and even by observing them, members who are less experienced can learn. The Finnish Quality of Work Life Survey reports, Employees who do teamwork have generally better possibilities of receiving training and for developing their skills than people who do not work in teams. 9 Abraham Maslow also suggested the theory of the hierarchy of human needs. His findings were not only based on the work environment in fact he considered psychological and sociological factors as well. He believed that human needs starts from the level of physical needs which include food, shelter, water and rest. Then it moves to safety needs which means protection from threats, Job security, health and safety at work. Further the hierarchy of needs move to social needs which refer to feeling of belonging to a group, trust and acceptance. And then comes the esteem needs and self actualization. Esteem needs mean status and recognition of achievement. Therefore, by developing teams MasloWs social and esteem needs and likely to be fulfilled. Hence, workers are expected to be better motivated. It would stimulate people to take action to improve productivity. 10 Hence, it can be safely concluded that teamwork can contribute to a better quality of working life for employees leading to improved productivity. Working in teams allows employees to give their ideas and work collectively which result in completing large projects in lesser time and hence increase efficiency of employees. Efficiency means producing output at the highest ratio of output to input. Therefore, the organization is benefited from the speed of employees as teamwork motivates workers and they do their work with more interest. Furthermore, the degree of acceptance is high of the decisions made by teams as they are usually perceived as more legitimate than decisions made by one person. This is because team members are reluctant to fght or undermine a decision that they helped develop. 11 Henry Ford also said, Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is the progress. Working together is the success. 12 Therefore, adopting team work at work place usually leads to success. Total Words: 1512